Toward a Theory of Formal Musical Languages
T~ idea thai a!E~braic operations are invoh-cd in mu.sical combinatoric! is generally accepted. \1 "hik morry imtrtsl ing compllfer progrCU11J has bUll devclO1,cd lardy in the fields of corr.pura aided campoli/ion. mu..tical anaiysil , musical ptdagogy, or score procusing .hut l.f no gentral ma/hemal/cal model able 10 deal wilh the cornpltx interaerion be ...... e'en lire verticol and the h ori~ontar C.SPUfS of Ihe musical syntax. In this paper we m<' p roposing atl exlt'lfirUl of lht. traditional theory of/orma/languages by using uqlur;ces in which Ihe usuallcuers are rep/aad by sets 0/ musical eN~ III s. Besides the COncatenation, twO new operations are introduced: the superimposilion and tile illierimposilion_ Tile reSlliling "Ill/llemalieaf HrlJ.Cmre is Ihen studied. All :he advances in the domo.ins a/finite outamO/{l. gctU:r(ltivc grammars and OIhcr complIl<Jlional nrndefs may Ix applied in a natura! and cansi.ftcm manner ond new solutions 10 !he problems thm appear in lhe prc" jous/y mentioned fields could be «ploted.
منابع مشابه
Music as a formal language
The main focus of this paper is the characterization of generic musical structure in terms of the apparatus of formal language theory. It is argued that musical competence falls into the same class as natural language with respect to strong generative capacity – the class of mildly context-sensitive languages described by Joshi (1985).
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In formal language theory, we are mainly interested in the natural language computational aspects of ω-languages. Therefore in this respect it is convenient to consider fuzzy ω-languages. In this paper, we introduce two subclasses of fuzzy regular ω-languages called fuzzy n-local ω-languages and Buchi fuzzy n-local ω-languages, and give some closure properties for those subclasses. We define a ...
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